Omaly Isaaccura

Consultant & Marketing Director

About Omaly Isaaccura

Omaly Isaaccura started her career as a Bilingual and Dual Language teacher. Her experience in education has taken her to different campus and district roles such as Campus Interventionist, District Instructional Literacy Coach, District Specialist for the Multilingual Department, and elementary campus administrator.

Omaly is a Certified ABYDOS Writing, Tier II Project GLAD (Sheltered Instruction), and PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Supports) Trainer.Having experience in program initiatives such as Dual Language, balanced literacy, sheltered instruction, school redesign, curriculum writing, and professional learning communities (PLC), Omaly has contributed for over 20+ years to support Bilingual and Biliteracy development.

Omaly, originally from Venezuela, has earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communications and a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership with a strong background in literacy and school-community relations. She has been featured in the book Dual Language Essentials for Teachers and Administrators by Dr. Freeman and Freeman and Sandra Mercuri.

Omaly Isaaccura in library with student


“Having the ability to inspire teachers and their perspectives regarding bilingualism is more than a passion, it is my responsibility as an immigrant, second language learner, and avid educator. If I get the chance to improve one little thing in each classroom I visit to support favorably bilingual instruction, literacy, and language development, then the love for what I do is evident.”