
Our testimonials come from various Bilingual educators in various Independent School Districts we serve. These testimonials are a true testament to the services we love to provide our clients.

“Sandra Mercuri’s educational consultants strategically supported our dual language teachers with specific research and instructional practices. They enriched our teachers’ knowledge and professional growth by modeling and planning with our PK-3rd-grade teachers on how to best support students who were learning the English language during daily instruction.”

Bernadette Islas
Biliteracy District Lead Coach
Aldine ISD


“Sandra Mercuri Educational Consultants have significantly enriched Fort Bend ISD’s approach to equipping teachers with vital Dual Language strategies and improving pedagogical practices. The collaborative effort with her team has positively transformed Dual Language education, benefiting both teachers and students through enhanced strategies and the cultivation of biliteracy skills. Moreover, her team has provided valuable feedback that has helped enhance programming and the district curriculum.”

José Barrera
Bilingual Program Coordinator
Fort Bend Independent School District


“Dr. Mercuri’s professional services have played a crucial role in the establishment of Channelview ISD Dual Language program. Their professional services assisted in training our Dual Language teachers and facilitated the early stages of our Dual Language program in the annual rollout, and provided ongoing professional learning during the school year to our Dual Language teachers.

Through continued practice and providing opportunities for authentic language use, such as structured conversations, reading materials, writing assignments, and cross-linguistic connections our students have become more fluent in both languages as her models promote biliteracy and language skills.

Sandra Mercuri Consultants has been instrumental in supporting our district’s vision at Channelview ISD, which aims to empower future leaders ready to succeed in a constantly evolving world. They have helped us in developing an integrated curriculum that fosters biliteracy among our students. Through our collaboration, we are equipping our students with proficiency in both languages, aligning with our goal of offering an innovative and effective curriculum that ensures academic excellence.”

Amanda Montemayor
Multilingual Coordinator
Channelview Independent School District


“Sandra and her team have provided professional development to PSE staff for the past eleven years. The professional development focused on the essential elements of a dual program, the classroom environment, Cross-Linguistic Connections, as well as providing peer observations and walk-throughs.

Sandra’s constructive feedback has been valuable in strengthening teacher strategies and skills which built a strong DL foundation. In addition, she has been the trainer who helped us grow DL program at PSE.

In depth, on-site staff training continues to reinforce teaching strategies which encourages learners to maintain and improve their first language while acquiring proficiency in another language. Sandra models, coaches, and provides feedback to teachers which improves student achievement in both languages in our dual language program. The benefits of developing biliteracy skills, give our students in the DL program stronger cognitive skills, stronger social-emotional development, and overall long-term success.

The DL program Sandra helped develop and establish at PSE, has helped with language skills development in our students by providing multiple pathways for learning a second language. These include students grouped in bilingual pairs, using a 50-50 model of half English and half Spanish speakers in the same classroom, as well as a print-rich learning environment. In addition, the DL experience has provided opportunities for our students to learn more about people from other cultures as they develop a second language.”

Christina Winstead
Pine Shadows Elementary Principal
Spring Branch Independent School District


“Sandra Mercuri’s Educational Consultants model has provided intentional and targeted strategies, supports, and instructional delivery tools to ensure a successful two-way dual language implementation. Rosehill Elementary is in Year 5 of our program and is profoundly impacted by the research-based practices that the Mercuri team delivers in an on-site and hands-on model. Our teachers’ capacity, knowledge, and skills continue to increase year after year and our students’ success is evident in their language and biliteracy skills.”

Gabriela Avellaneda
Rosehill Elementary Principal
Tomball Independent School District


“Sandra Mercuri’s Educational Consultants’ team has been our partner in Dual Language programs from its inception. Having her team onsite has given our teachers a solid foundation for integrating the dual language essentials. By providing a model that includes professional development, coaching, modeling, and planning with Dr. Mercuri’s team, our teachers have been able to truly support our dual language students in their daily instruction. We are grateful for this collaboration and look forward to continuing to develop a solid program for all our Aldine ISD scholars so they can attain biliteracy.”

Altagracia Delgado
Executive Director of Multilingual Services
Aldine ISD


“Beaumont ISD has been developing an outstanding partnership for the past four years with Sandra Mercury’s Consultants. Their commitment to supporting our educational endeavors, especially in the realm of multilingual learners, has significantly contributed to the instructional growth of both our teachers and students.

The comprehensive support provided, including coaching, training, consulting, and valuable resources, has played a crucial role in enhancing the learning experience for our multilingual students. The consultants’ expertise and dedication have been instrumental in fostering a positive and inclusive environment, empowering our educators with innovative teaching strategies tailored to meet the diverse needs of our multilingual learners. The training programs have equipped our teachers with the necessary tools and insights to create engaging and effective lessons that promote language development.”

Blanca Jones
Bilingual/ESL/Foreign Languages Director
Beaumont ISD


“I have had the privilege to work with Dr. Mercuri over the past 15 years on two different campuses. On my previous campus, Dr. Mercuri’s work drove the development and implementation of a new Dual Language Immersion program. At my current campus, Dr. Mercuri and her team provide ongoing professional development and coaching to improve and maintain the high standards of instruction our well-established and highly successful program demands.”

Anne Dennis
Assistant Principal -Cedar Brok Elementary
Spring Branch ISD